Here you will find notes about the unit 2.

Lesson 2: Cloud data storage and retrieval.

• Identify and differentiate the different cloud services that are offered and be able to select the most appropriate one according to needs.

• Know how to manage documents and folders in the cloud, as well as make backups, share them with other users and work as a team with others incorporating online information.

• Be able to generate dynamic activities while virtually interconnected, in order to achieve or encourage the learning of some content or skill in the students.

• Create your own blog as a teacher and professional.

Cloud computing (features):

• On demand service, you use it when you need it.

• Network Access (Internet).

• Shared resources, used by multiple clients.

• Scalability, allows elasticity of resources.

Type of clouds:

• A Public Cloud is maintained and managed by third parties not related to the organization. In this type of cloud, data and processes from multiple clients are mixed in servers, storage systems and other cloud infrastructures.

• A Private Clouds are a good option for companies that need high data protection and service-level issues. Private clouds are on-demand infrastructure, managed for a single client that controls which applications should run.

• A Hybrid clouds combine public and private cloud models. A user owns some parts and shares others, albeit in a controlled way. Hybrid clouds offer the promise of scaling, externally provisioned, on-demand, but add the complexity of determining how to deploy applications across these different environments.

Delivery models of Cloud Computing:

Software as a Service (SAAS)

• Do not need to install software.

• Accessible via web browser.

• You can Access from anywhere.

• Available for multiple end users.

• Excellent for collaborative work.

• Example: Drive, Office 365.

Platform as a Service (PAAS)

• Programming language execution environment.

• Users can create and distribute their own applications.

• Example: Google App Engine, Google Play, Play Store, … 

Internet as a Service (IAAS)

• Offers computing architecture and infraestructure, computing resources, all in a virtual environment.

• Example: Amazon EC2 or GoGrid,…

Cloud Storage:

Cloud storage is a computer network-based data storage model, where data is hosted in virtualized storage spaces, usually provided by third parties. You can access via your web browser or specific software: DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive.


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