Here you will find notes about the unit 4.

Lesson 4: Digital technologies interaction.

• To know those key competences to the student that let it to interact by several digital devices and applications.

• To understand how the digital communication is distributed, represented and managed.

• To understand the appropriate use of different communication ways through digital media.

• To study different communication formats, adapting strategies and communication ways to specific target group.

• To know the basic aspects regarding cybersecurity as net individual and as teachers to transmit this knowledge and to detect possible risky situations.

How can we create a virtual learning community?

- Forums.
- Instant messaging applications.
- Web pages.
- Social Networks.

Using Social Networks in education:

There are different Horizon Reports regarding the tendencies in education that influence the impact the use of social networks platforms has in the teaching area.

• Communicate ideas.
• Add value to subjects.
• Assist collaboration on projects.
• Communicate with people all over the world.

Some examples:

• Profiles, pages and groups.
• Groups:
    • Public/private.
    • Collaboration.
    • Units.
    • Topics.
    • Add files.
    • Stats.
• Profiles.
• Hashtags (#).
• Stories.
• Lives.
• Polls.
• Guides.

The new curriculum established by the Spanish Education law (or LOMLOE) details the operational descriptors that students must complete at the main educational stages, associating them with exit profiles. By way of summary, the key competences linked to security and privacy set out in these curricula are as follows:

• Education level: Pre - primary education.
• Key competences: Start of digital literacy stage and Start of responsible use of digital tools.


Bulling is “unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time”. Cyber-bulling can be defined as the action of bullying by on-line communication technologies (mobile phone, social network, email, instant messages, etc.) This behaviour can appear in adults, or even worse, in between adults and children or in between children.

List of resources for your future as a teacher:

• AseguraTIC. Search engine about infographies, games, videos, … (INCIBE, AEPD…). It can by filtered by topic, Education level, and more. [Spanish].
• Internet Segura for Kids - IS4K. INCIBE site. [Spanish].
• Tú decides en internet. AEPD site. [Spanish].
• Plataforma Better Internet for Kids – BIK. European search engine. [English].
• Portales educativos autonómicos. List with sites from different spanish regions. [Spanish].


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